Is human cloning legal? Why?


       Mayur. M

Since dolly, the sheep was cloned in 1996. The question of weather human reproductive cloning should be banned or pursued has been the subject of international debate.

Although the idea of human cloning excites strong view, there are much confusion about what it would actually entail.

Cloning can take two forms reproductive and therapeutic or research cloning. These terms are not scientifically accurate. They stem from the process of somatic cell nuclear transfer whereby an enucleated egg receives a nucleus from a somatic cell

In reproductive cloning, the embryo is implanted into a female for gestation. Through this method Dolly, the sheep became the first mammal to be cloned. In research cloning an embryo is harvested for stem cells rather than brought to term.

Although therapeutic cloning is held by many to have great potential medically as a source of compatible tissue and organs for those who need transplants

Many countries have banned reproductive and therapeutic cloning. In most cases these laws refer to somatic cell nuclear transfer rather than cloning more generally and thus newer technologies are not covered

The Human cloning debate at UNESCO 2008-2011

At the request of then director general of UNESCO, Koichiro Matsuura in 2008, the IBC [International Bioethics Committee] decided to investigate the possibility of a convention on human cloning and appointed a working group on human and international governance

There was a tension between IBC and IGBC [Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee] over whether a convention would be desirable with the former (independent experts) supporting a ban on reproductive cloning and the latter (representing states) concerned that the decision would revisit the disagreement of UN general assembly debates of years before

Ultimately the idea of a cloning convention dropped from their agendas in 2012

For those states that have yet to formulate national regulations or policies on human cloning, the continued lack of clear guidance at international level may be particularly unhelpful. Thus better guidance in this area is needed.

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